Green Card Lawyer in Palm Beach County
We serve clients in:
- West Palm Beach
- Boca Raton
- Boynton Beach
- Delray Beach
- Wellington
- Jupiter
- Palm Beach Gardens
- Greenacres
- Lake Worth Beach
- Royal Palm Beach
- Riviera Beach
- Palm Springs
- Belle Glade
- North Palm Beach
- Lantana
- Palm Beach
- Lake Park
- Pahokee
- Tequesta
- South Bay
- Highland Beach
- Lake Clarke Shores
- Loxahatchee Groves
- Juno Beach
- Hypoluxo
- Atlantis
- Mangonia Park
- Haverhill
- Ocean Ridge
- South Palm Beach
- Palm Beach Shores
- Gulf Stream
- Briny Breezes
- Manalapan
- Jupiter Inlet Colony
- Golf
- Glen Ridge
- Cloud Lake
- Westlake
Marriage Green Card Adjustment of Status
Will I Have to Leave the USA to Adjust My Status? It depends. If you entered the U.S. lawfully, even if you overstayed your visa and you are now married
VAWA Abused Spouse Green Card
How Do I Qualify for a VAWA Abused Spouse Green Card? To qualify for a VAWA abused spouse green greencard, you need to meet 5 basic eligibility criteria. Some of the qualifying
Divorce with Conditional Green Card
Will You Lose Your Immigration Status Because of a Divorce? The short answer is no. However, you must be careful to follow certain steps to improve your chances of getting